Barnard Castle - Cricket field
Vere Road : DL12 8AE
The cricket ground on Flatts Lane, Barnard Castle hosted some bicycle racing, presumably on grass. The most famous track meet there was at Whitsun 1888 when Barnard Castle hosted the North Eastern Cyclist Meet. Around 300 cyclists paraded through the town to the Castle Grounds and spent the weekend there. The local cycling club held their annual sports on the cricket ground on Whit Monday. The Teesdale Mercury of Wednesday May 23rd 1888 describes the cycling events:

One mile handicap : The race was a close one, the men racing almost neck and neck for the finish, when there was scarcely a yard separating first and second, and no more between second and third. 1) J Carruthers 2) JJ Carruthers 3) RW Coates time 3m 41s.

Half mile handicap : Carruthers passed the post in front of Jones, who did not try to pass him, claiming the race on the ground that Carruthers rode wide on his safety. The objection was left to the N.C.U. 1) G Jones 2) JJ Carruthers

The town's band played during the afternoon and Mrs Surtees, of Sunderland, very graciously distributed the prizes. In the evening a smoking concert was held and also a dance.

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